header new roaming oz

This walking track is not difficult or hard, it is well defined and would be pretty hard to lose the track and it gets you to 2 stunning waterfalls - Victoria Falls and Silver Cascades, BUT, it is physically demanding, there is almost NO flat walking on this walk, it is all downhill, lots of steps and switchbacks to get from the top of the cliffs to the falls, a descent of over 330mtrs and a distance of around 2kms. The distance won't kill you but if you are not used to so much steep uphill and lots of it, this walk may not be for you.

Probably not ideal for small children, there are dropoffs and you may end up carrying them making it more difficult and dangerous for yourself. Take a hat, plenty of water and something to eat. Take your rubbish out with you!

To access this walk, head towards Mt Victoria and turn onto Victoria Falls Rd, then go to the end and park. There are toilets here and picnic tables, as well as the information signage about the walks that start here, just a few minutes away is a stunning lookout, but, you WILL NOT see the falls from there, you have to walk to those to see them, but the view is nice in its own right.

From the lookout, you starting going down quickly, then the seemingly endless wooden steps start heading down to where you descend under the top cliffline, you will learn to really hate those hundreds of wooden steps, maybe not on the way down, but, on the way back out, they are the gift that keeps on giving. Soon you are walking under the top cliffline and starting your descent in earnest, there are a couple of simple climb-downs, just a few steps and then you are on the steep skirt of the cliffs and starting a very pretty walking through the bush, doing LOTS of zigging and zagging as you head further and further down into the valley. Easy walking, there are bits of Lawyer Vine here and there than can grab at you as you walk past.

Soon, you can start to hear the cascades and falls below, depending on waterflows of course. I found this whole skirt descent very pretty and peaceful, especially at the early time of the day I was there, the sun had not peaked over the towering cliffs to the east on the otherside of the valley until I was on my way out. A few muddy sections here and there and a few steps as well.

Eventually you will come to a section that was wet, slippery and a bit of a stepdown to the next level, you will know it, nothing hard, just can be a bit dodgy. Soon you come to a track branch, go right to visit Silver Cascades, just visually stunning falls. The track "dumps" you on the endge of the creek bed, look at the image below with a red line and arrow, follow that route and you can then get right near the main pool of the cascades. It was slippery and dodgy in places, so take care.

Now just sit and enjoy the sight and sounds of Silver Cascades. Keep in mind, if it is wet, it is slippery, attempting to cross the creek could easily lead to a slip and fall, this is supposed to be relaxing, no tears required, save those for the walk out. When you are ready, retrace your path to the branch and continue straight on, eventurally you will come to a fenced vantage point, this gives you a view over the top part of Victoria Falls, that you usually cannot see from the bottom of the falls.

Continue onwards, it does get a bit of a steep drop off on the falls side of the walking track as you work your way down to the bottom of the falls. Victoria Falls are spectacular, theydrop off a unique rock shelf that juts out from the cliff edge. A big pool at the bottom is inviting on a hot day, there always seems to be a fine spray wafting around making photography challenging without watercoated lenses and filters.

Same applies here, very wet and slippery rocks, so easy to end up base over apex.

Once you are ready, you can either continue on to the Burra Korain campsite a bit further on, or, if you started really early, head right around to Pearces Pass, Blue Gum Forest and beyond. Or, you can steel your resolve and knees for the ascent back out to your car at the top.


