header new roaming oz

Martin Falls are located approx 4kms or so along the Magdala Gully walking track that originates from a couple of places at Springwood, it is only another 300-400mtrs and you finish the walk at Perch Ponds on the Victory Track. There is quite a bit of up and down on this walk and when the falls are really flowing are worth the walk. When I was last here, there was not a lot of flow so not as impressive as they can be, I will be back to capture the falls in a different mood when there has been a lot more rain. Without a good flow, they are pretty average looking falls in my opinion.

An easy spur track takes you to the pool of the falls, or, directly behind the sign, there is a flat ledge that will bring you around to the back of the falls for a different viewpoint.

The pool at these falls is not too deep, but you could not quite swim in it, wet yes, but not full on swimming. Suitable for kids, taking into account the return trip to Springwood has a LOT of uphill and can wear anyone out, you need a reasonable level of fitness to want to come down to these falls and the nearby Magdala Falls.
