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Horseshoe Falls is one of the most spectacular waterfalls and locations on this waterfall circuit, both in the day, and by night. Set in a large deep bowl, the falls flow over a ledge in a multitude of cascades making for some spectacular silky water shots, with the right amount of water flowing. One of the immediate things you will notice about these falls is the massive overhang behind the falls, you could fit 60 people easily behind these falls. Not that you would want to see that many people down here. Suitable for children and one of the easiest to get to, it does not take too long to arrive here after you start your walk.

Technically, these falls are officially now named Lyrebird Falls, but most people still refer to them by their original name - Horseshoe Falls due to the shape of the cliff the falls tumble over.

One of the great things about this circuit, is not many people visit, usually locals, or the rare tourist or day tripper, you will usually have the place to yourself which is awesome.

Wander around and experience the falls from many vantage points, have a dip under the falls, it is only cold for an instant, but so refreshing in summer!

To the right of the falls (whilst looking at them), there are some stone steps that take you up and out of here and can take you back to town, AND, will get you access to the 3 tiers of Glow Worm Nook Falls which are worth a short walk to.

Come back here at night, and if you are lucky, the overhang will be aglow with the little blue lights of glow worms. Turn your torch out, let your eyes adjust to the dark, listen to the waterfall cascading and enjoy the light show. (And the mossies when it is warmer). Please don't shine your torch at the glow worms, it does tend to upset them.
