header new roaming oz

Lena Falls at Hazelbrook are a set of cascades that you can hear whilst you are doing the walk, but cannot easily see, there are a couple of very feint tracks that take you to the edge of the drop into this small gully, but unless you are going to get adventurous and do some scrambling or find a suitable spot (There is a couple to be found) to get access into the gully, you won't really get to see these.

The bottom cascade you can crawl in behind the water into a small overhang and with a wet bum, you can sit up and enjoy the coolness and the view from behind the flowing water. You will of course get wet getting in there though, but that is part of the fun. As with all these waterfalls, the rocks can and are VERY slippery so extreme care must be taken when walking on wet rocks, trust me, have slipped over a few times taking images at waterfalls.

I found it interesting that being a "named" set of falls, I would have thought that would mean when they were named there was access to them, but I could find no evidence of cut steps to allow easy access. If you are feeling adventurous, worth a scramble.
