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Ahearn's Lookout - Nattai National Park

We did this walk on the 1/1/2012, it is over 100km's from home but was worth the drive, the views into the valley below are just spectacular! The walk itself is not that demanding, a few ups and downs, but in the heat of summer could easily sap your energy levels pretty fast, just take extra water and do the old slip, slop, slap.

Basic Walk Information

One Way Distance: 6.22km's
Time One Way: 125 minutes
Starting Altitude: 593mtrs
Highest Altitude: 659mtrs
Lowest Altitude: 581mtrs

Direction on how to get there

You can get to the parking area via a number of ways, but from the Freeway is easiest, so find your way to the small town of Hill Top, cross the railway line via Chalker Parade to get yourself onto West Parade and follow this North where it eventually turns into Wattle Ridge Road. After a few Km's it turns to a good dirt road and a bit further on there is a Y fork in the road, you want to take the left onto Nattai Road. Continue to follow Nattai Road until you can go no further and reach the National Parks parking area and information board.

A number of walks start from here and there is a log book to sign to show your departure and arrival times, please use it.

The walk

Total distance one way is 6.22km's and it took us a total of 2 hours with stops for views and water. The start of this walk is a fire trail bash for around 1.7 km's and then there is a sign pointing to the left for the Starlights trail, you want to take this track, this is where you leave the fire trail. There are a number of other tracks that branch off the trail you are following that go to other features in the area, those we have not as yet done, but the area is so spectacualr that I reckon we will be back to do more exploring.

After about 400mtrs, the trail keeps going slightly right but another trail breaks to the left, we take this left hand branch, after another 150mtrs, a track breaks off to the right, we want to take that branch and then continue to follow it right out to the lookout itself.

The walk from here tops a ridge where you can get some nice views to the west and you are able to see where you are going down a saddle and onto the next hill, Ahearn's Lookout is at the end of that next hill. The walk so far has been through fairly open Aussie bush, after walking down into the saddle it tends to thicken up a bit but the track is very well defined and easy to follow.

A few ups and downs and you are soon climbing up to the top of the hill, not too far along this hill is a quick deviation you can take to the right to a spectacular vantage point, worth the 60 seconds to get to it, then it is back the way you just came to the junction and continue straight ahead and onwards towards the lookout.

As you get closer to the lookout, the landscape changes and opens up a lot more, lots more open rock walking and lots of wildflowers the day we were here, spring would be even more spectacular! You wind your way across this rocky area till you finally reach your destination.

It took us just on 2 hours to walk out to here with a total one way distance of 6.22km's. Nothing too demanding at all, but the views are just spectacular. Check the images we took on the way, they were just taken with the phone but still turned out ok.

Elevation Profile

