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Asmodeus Pool - Wentworth Falls

Asmodeus Pool, is slightly hidden, and if you were not looking for it or did not see / hear people in here, you would not know it was even there, It is reasonably easy to get to with a slight scramble and a squeeze at the end to enter this hidden gem. Not only does it hide a pretty but small waterfall, it also has a great swimming pool at the base, not much room though, but usually deep enough to be over your head, depends on how much sand has washed in and out. It is also the last jump as you exit the upper Empress Canyon.

To find it, look at the map below, once you get to the stepping stones that cross the creek and start to head up to West Street, look in the direction the creek is flowing out of a natural small canyon, there is a small wooden sign with a rough short track behind it, scramble up and along, then around and squeeze the final part into the canyon. Not much room in here, but if the water levels are average, there is a sandy "beach" and a rock on the right you can put gear on.

A very pretty spot with great swimming...
