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Frederica Falls - North Lawson

Frederica Falls at North Lawson are an impressive multi-tier set of falls with a good sized pool at the base that most of the time you could cool off under as it is usually deep enough to do so, just watch for any underwater snags or trees/rocks etc. When flowing well, it is one of the more impressive falls around the mid-mountains and does not take too long to walk to from Hughes Ave start of the track. It is also here that the eastern start of the Empire Pass walking track starts, an easyish walking track that takes a couple of hours to complete with a number of waterfalls and opportunities to cool off in the creek below, but, there are plenty of steps as well.

There are 3 nice tiers before the final plunge into the pool below, the final plunge being over and undercut ledge that you can get up into and get some respite from the sun, these falls are in full sun, no real shade here. Above these falls is a fire trail that the creek flows over, on the other side of this is a spectacular little "waterfall" that flows out of a slightly elevated section of creek. The walking track from Hughes Ave follows this creek until it starts to climb up near the overhead power lines, can be in wet and muddy condition but otherwise not too bad.

A very photogenic set of falls when they have a nice flow of water going over them with an option to take a dip, not many of the Blue Mountains waterfalls have got bottom pools due to silt buildup over the years, but quite a few used to have impressive pools at their base.
